Social Emotional Learning

  • Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process through which children and adults develop the fundamental skills for life effectiveness.  We need SEL skills for ourselves, our relationships, and our work. In GPISD , we believe that strengthening these skills enhances our ability to effectively and ethically connect across race, class, culture, language, gender identity, sexual orientation, learning needs, and age.

    Self Awareness
    I understand who I am, and how my feelings about myself and others influence my actions. I know my strengths and opportunities for growth. I know when I need help and how to get help.

    Self Management 
    I express my feelings and handle my actions in skillful ways. I set goals and I achieve them.

    Social Awareness 
    I care about and work with people like me and people different from me. I understand and respect their thoughts, feelings and points of view.

    Relationship Skills
    I interact in ways that build positive relationships with people like me and people different from me. I am able to handle conflicts in healthy ways.

    Responsible Decision Making
    I act in ways that are respectful and safe. I consider how my choices and decisions will affect myself and others.

  • S.E.L. Logo  

    We will foster a safe, social, emotional, and academic environment where every student and staff member will feel supported.

    GPISD will become a socially and emotionally healthy community for all students.


    Character Education, Boys & Girls Club, and CHAMPS support the foundation's work which creates a positive school culture and climate.

    Character Strong is both a Social Emotional Learning and Character Education Program adopted by 麻豆区 I.S.D.. Every campus and every teacher has access to these resources to ensure daily positive connections with our students.