Normandy Crossing's Office and Support Staff

  • Donna Hernandez - School Nurse

    Christina Franco - PEIMS Clerk
    Sharon Weir - Principal's Secretary
    Janet Martinez - School Secretary

    Office Number: 832-386-1600
    Fax Number: 832-386-1642
    Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

    Please ensure your student is on time every day.
    The instructional bell rings at 7:35 a.m.
    After 7:35 a.m. all students must be signed in by their parents as they will be counted tardy. Repeated tardies and absences will require an administrator and parent meeting.

    Please bring your I.D. when coming to visit the school.
    Check in at the front office to get your visitor's badge.