• Attendance Office Hours

    7:00 am - 3:00pm

    Monday- Friday


    General Information 

    • The window for student check out is open between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
    • All visitors must present a PICTURE ID AND be on the student's contact list in order to check out a student or receive any student information.
    • Students CANNOT be checked out before 9:30 a.m. or after 2:30p.m.
    • If a student is absent from school, they have 3 SCHOOL DAYS (36 hours) to turn in an excuse note.

    Excuse Notes Information 

    • If your student misses school, please send a note to their teacher upon their return. If they are absent for more than 3 days, a doctor's note may be required.
    • Please include the following on excuse notes:
      • your student's name
      • teacher's name and grade
      • date
      • your name
      • reason for absence
      • a number to contact you if there are questions.


    • Students are allowed up to five parent notes per school year.