Havard Elementary Traffic Flow

  • Havard Elementary


    Drop Off Pick Up

    Drop Off ONLY using Wallisville Rd./North Parking Lot 7:00a.m. - 7:35 a.m. (red arrows)

    Wallisville Rd./North Parking Lot: 3:05 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. (blue arrows)

    Enter from Castlegory Rd. and form ONE lane near the building sidewalk.

    Enter the North parking lot via the west entrance from Wallisville Rd. and split into 3 lanes with 2 lanes closest to the building and 1 lane on the north side of the island sidewalk.

    Enter the north parking lot via the west entrance from Wallisville Rd. and form ONE lane to the north of the island sidewalk

    Exit out the west side of the parking lot. Left lane must turn left onto Wallisville Rd.  Right lane must turn right onto Wallisville Rd.
    The Castlegory Dr. (East Parking Lot) is closed in the morning. No drop-off's allowed in the East Parking Lot.

    Pick Up Castlegory Rd./East Parking Lot: 3:05 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. (green arrows)

      Enter the East Parking Lot in a single lane. The entrance is also used s for exiting.
      Traffic flows in ONE DIRECTION from the street entrance, to the building, toward the playground, and into the parking lot.

    As you approach the building the pick-up zone splits into two pick-up lanes.
    Lane 1 is closest to the main sidewalk and Lane 2 is closest to the parking lot grass divider. 

      Drivers must follow the traffic flow to EXIT the parking lot in a single lane.