Normandy Crossing Elementary's Parent Teacher Association


    Normandy Crossing Elementary PTA Board

                                                   President - Anita Baena                      Vice President - Sharon Weir

                                                   Secretary - Amy Leal-Garza                2nd Vice President - Faryn Alaniz 

                                                   Treasure - Alexis Hollon                      Parliamentarian - Thomas Rivera

                                                   Parent Education - Joann Sanchez    Beautification -  Ashleigh Barrett

                                                   Programs -  Robert Green                   Historian - Christian Vazquez






    PTA Mission
    PTA Purpose

             Communities is a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities and a strong advocate for the education and well being of every child.

    To Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship.  To raise standards of home life.  To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of youth and children.


            The PTA memebership dues allow Normandy Crossing Elementary to fund its many programs which support the entire school population.