• Procedures for grant monitoring are as follows.

    1. Expenditure Reports: The Special Revenue Accountant, prepares expenditure reports as specified by the grant and forwards them to the funding agency.
    2. Expenditures: The Grantee is responsible for monitoring expenditures and staying within the framework of approved grant expenditures during the grant funding period. The Campus or Department Secretary will provide expenditure details from Frontline when requested by Grantee.
    3. Budget Amendments: Program and project budgets may be amended as indicated by the funding source and or district guidelines. The Grantee is responsible for knowing the necessary deadlines for submission to the grantor.
    4. Progress Reports:The funding source will indicate progress report requirements


    Procedures regarding progress reports are as follows:

    1. Notice. The Director for Academic Support and Grants will send reminders to schools of upcoming progress reports 30 days before the report is due.
    2. Preparation. The Grantee collects data and completes required reports.
    3. Submission. The Director for Academic Support and Grants receives progress reports from grantee 10 business days before the report is due to the funding agency and submits a report to the funding agency as required. The Superintendent or CFO signs the progress reports, when applicable.


    The Director for Academic Support and Grants will offer the following assistance during the course of the grant:

    • Provides technical assistance on form completion, accuracy, and compliance with grant rules and regulations;
    • Maintains accurate records of grants through a database; and
    • Files reports and documents with the NOGA and approved grant application