• Important Accountability Update:
      "The issuance of 2023 A–F ratings under the final 2023 rule is pending and subject to change based on judicial rulings or decisions from the 88th Legislature during a special called session."

      State Accountability Ratings
      State accountability ratings are based on a framework of three domains that are used to evaluate the performance of each public campus and district in the state. The framework includes a range of indicators to calculate a score for each domain and enables a thorough assessment of campus and district effectiveness.

      Accountability ratings are based on achieving a target established for each performance domain.

      Domain 1: Student Achievement: provides a snapshot of performance across subjects.
      Domain 2: School Progress: measures year-to-year student progress by subject and student group.
      Domain 3: Closing Performance Gaps: tracks advanced academic achievement of economically disadvantaged students and the lowest performing racial/ethnic student groups.

      A-F letter grades are used to rate the overall performance of districts and campuses.